Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mem - ories

Hehe todays prompt: Whats something you remember from your childhood?

This one is easy - holidays at Currarong! Yes I know we travelled far didn't we ~L~. Nearly every school holiday we headed out to Currarong and stayed in a house owned by friends of my mum. It was always a fun time - there would be us, the Riggs, the Larsens and the Stuarts. (My claim to fame - I used to play with Ricky Stuart at his grandparents place!) It was always just a relaxed time - we spent most days at the beach. Uncle Les and my 2 cousins joined us sometimes and it was just heaps of fun.

The other main memory from my childhood is catching the bus with Mr Clout over the mountains to Moss Vale to my Nana's. I would go and spend time in Moss Vale during the school holidays. Mum would put me on the bus here and I would get to sit in the front seat next to Mr Clout and help with the mail (the bus driver was also the mailman!). Then Nana would meet me at the corner and we would walk back to her place (she never drove - didn't even own a car). There was a girl next door named Rachel who I became great friends with and we spent heaps of time together. We would walk into town to do the shopping and we spent a lot of time at a property called Cherry Hinton where Nana looked after the vegie gardens. It was a gorgeous old house with lots of rooms and full of antique furniture. It seemed massive to us and (of course) we believed it was haunted - after all it was soooo old and massive and echo-y it just had to be. But we would be very brave and go exploring!

So.... do you have any memories that stand out from your childhood?