Monday, August 20, 2007

Its a bit scary!!!

Wow what an exciting but extremely scary time ahead for my family.

Heard from my brother yesterday and they have definately to move! Looks like things are moving full steam ahead and they should be gone by the end of October.

He has accepted a job in Dubai!! .......Dubai is located in a fairly risky part of the world. It is located across an expanse of water known as "The Gulf" (yes that Gulf) from Iraq. I know it is a great opportunity for him - he will be in charge of offices in Dubai, Egypt and Saudi Arabia but it is still a bit scary for me to think of him, his wife and son living in such a risky place. I looked it up on the government travelling website and they list it as "rethink your travel plans" or 4 out of 5 on the risk scale!

I know I will be praying for their safety a lot over the next 3 years!

His family will be coming back home (he is over there at the moment) to catch up with us all before they leave.

We are trying to teach mum to use the puter now to keep in contact - she actually sent an email the other day and received one back! Sounds pretty simple but it was a great cause of celebration for us - she was very proud!


KAYCEE said...

Seems like your brother will experience a new challenge personally myself i am chicken shit and will never move out of nowra.In saying that Dean has applied to work in the mines.I told him he could go. he he he
Teaching your mum to use the puter is a classic. i have been trying to teach mum for years and she still forgets how to turn on.

Anonymous said...

ohhhhhh what a brave person to move his family half way around the world like this... Wishing them safe xx

W. said...

Hi Cath! Love catching up on your life here! TFS. Friends of my OH have just moved to Dubai! What a move!