Sunday, February 24, 2008

My crafty day!

Today I spent some time in my craft room - sorting things out and just generally tidying up and I came to my Kaiser Wood pen holders that have sat on my desk in their raw state for quite some time so I got stuck into decorating them today.

I am really happy with the way the y turned out - i was trying for that drippy paint sort of look which didn't work quite how I wanted but I am still happy with them. Here is how they look in use on my desk!

Although when you look at the big picture - they do tend to disappear a bit don't they!


Happyjen said...

They look great Cathy, I can see the look u were trying for and think u got it good.

Haylee said...

They look gorgeous! Lovely colours.

Cass said...

Look great! :D

miss~nance said...

Yhey look fabulous Cath. Love the colours.