Sunday, May 04, 2008

Its been a good weekend

This weekend has been a very encouraging one for me.

Saturday morning we helped some friends move house. We have known the Baldwins for some time now and their daugther and Tasha are really good friends. (Well truth be told.... Tony did lots of helping I went and cleaned for 2 hours and then left). But thats because I had to go to - - -

The Scrapping with Soul scrap day. Didn't have much mojo - didn't acheive much - but did do a tin that I was VERY happy with but mainly I got to sit and chat and had a much needed conversation with Cass. I am not a big "sharer" or personal problems as I don't like to burden others with my problems and tend to wait until after things have settled to speak up but I did manage to share with Cass yesterday and I thank her so much for listening. I know all will be fine but I do tend to stress anyway!
Got some pics from New Zealand scrapped - have to sit down now and work out what I want to take to the SWS retreat - CANT WAIT.

Today has been a fairly pleasant - again haven't achieved much but just pottered around the house. Cleaned out one of the kitchen cupboards and went shopping with the girls. (Tegan stayed over here last night as things were still unpacked at her place so Tasha and Tegan had a ball playing "golf" outside. Very dangerous for bystanders!

Do have some photos - will get around to posting them at some stage.

Have been pining for Melbourne a lot lately. Will have to try and find some way to get down there soon. SJ- miss you heaps sweetie.


Karen L said...

How fortunate you are Cath to get to scrap with the girls for SWS. So glad to hear that you and Cass have such a special friendship that you are able to share deeply about life issues. Praise God for wonderful friends like that.

Cass said...

Thinking of you and praying for you sweetie.