Thursday, May 15, 2008

My boy's gone to camp.

Well don't know if camp is the right word but he has gone off for an overnight trip to Canberra. Had to be up at 4am this morning - YUCK.

They are going to Parliament house (when it is in session) and to the electoral commision etc etc. They stay overnight in cabins in groups of 6. 3 classes and 4 teachers! Feel sorry for those poor teachers!

I thought I was coping okay with it but didn't sleep at all last night. I think my mind was trying to stop me thinking (and worrying) about it so I had every other thought in the world running through my head all night.


Cass said...

He'll be fine. But I will pray for him all the same. :)

Haylee said...

Hope he has a great time. I'm sure he'll be fine. But I do understand you worrying. Hope you're feeling better bout it. Can't wait to hear all about his trip.

KAYCEE said...

if i was you, relax enjoy the peace nd quite. i loved going to canberra and the parliment house when i was in year 6.......
you friend cass stopped over and had a look at my blog it was lovely, thanks for sharng it with her, i hope to have more people view it. love ya kase

Happyjen said...

I hope he has a wonderful time.
He'll b fine Cathy, U try and get a good night sleep and not worry about him.

Elizabeth said...

Hope you managed to get some sleep!!