Friday, May 23, 2008

Special mail

I was sitting at the table having my morning cuppa (really - if you want me to be human I MUST have my morning cuppa) and relaxing in the midst of kids running around when DH drops a parcel in front of me.

Inside was a wonderful pack with chipboard and ribbons and tags and heaps of cool scrapping stuff. There was no return address and no note with it but it put such a big smile on my dial. Things have been so busy lately and I haven't felt like I have time to think but this really brightened my day.

So to whoever - THANK YOU so much. It was a lovely surprise but mainly just the thought that someone was thinking of me made me feel extra special and grin like a fool!


Chrissy said...

Oh Cath what a truly precious RAK!! That's so sweet of your mystery sender.

I'm a little like that in the morning too, I *NEED* my cuppa! *grin*

Elizabeth said...

Yay!! How cool, lucky chicky!!
Hope your still getting some fun from your goodies ;)

Sandra Allan said...

How very cool... glad to see someone likes to think of you smiling! ;)