Thursday, June 26, 2008

My baby's gone!

My little girl is away from us at the moment. She has an overnight excursion to Sydney! Don't know who came up with the idea of taking year 4 for an overnight stay but I really wasn't ready for this. It's not normally until year 5. I didn't sleep last night - mind you we had that horrid wind last night so that could have bothered me too. I lay there all night listening to the wind.
The kids aren't allowed to take a phone with them so we can't ring to see how she is going but I am sure she is fine. Prayed and prayed for her protection last night!
But the amazing thing is - the house is soooooooooo quiet without her. I didn't realise just how much noise one girl generates but there is no music, no singing, no constant chatter. Its weird! Even Kyle is missing the noise - go figure normally he whinges she is too noisy.
She will be back tomorrow with heaps of stories I am sure!


Cass said...

Will pray for safety for your little girl, comfort for you and sanity for the teachers on the excursion! :)