Sunday, December 07, 2008

Le pointe goes to the movies

Tasha started hip hop lessons at the beginning of this term and her teacher Miss Nicki felt she was doing well enough to participate in the end of year concert. This was a very exciting time for Tasha as she loves performing and had never danced in anything like this before. Her class did a hip hop routine to the Alvin and the Chipmunks song "witch doctor". We were a bit concerned about whether she would make the concert as she had been doing swimming school and (as for the past 2 years) she got sick. That pool always makes her sick. She had Friday off school and seemed to pick right back up.
Here is Tasha in her costume, make up and hair ready to go. Scary - so did not look like her she looks so grown up!

And here she is showing of one of her dance moves. the pics aren't the best but they had loose hip hop black pants with their hooded tops. Can't wait to get the photo taken of her group at rehearsals.

Anyway the concert went well. Tash's dance was the last of the night so we knew we had a long wait but the standard of dancing was absolutely amazing - tony and I were both blown away by the level of the dancers.
Tasha danced so well. She had a few troubles in rehearsal but she danced the best I had seen her do the routine. I was a very proud mother.
The evening was badly marred for Tasha in the finale. As she came onto stage for her big finale the girl in front of her fell and as she had hold of Tash she went down too - and hard! She got up clutching her stomach and crying and left the stage. It is so hard as a parent sitting there not knowing how badly hurt she was. The finale went on and then the teachers came out for the end of year celebrations. Tash came back on stage then but very quiet and still holding her stomach.
I raced around to the stage door to get her and she was so upset. She has a big bruise right on the hip where she hit the floor and was so mortified and still in tears. She screamed when I touched her hip but her stomach didnt seem to be tender so I decided a trip to hospital was not needed and brought her home. A very subdued girl went off to bed last night but she has decided today that she wants to do dance lessons again next year - shes just not sure about the concert!


Cass said...

Poor thing! Glad to hear it all went well (apart from the fall). Tasha certainly does look grown-up in those photos!

miss~nance said...

How gorgeous and gfrown up does she look in those photos. SOrry we coldnt be there, will do our best next year (I'm sure there willbe a next year). Glad it all went well, despite the fall - which unfortunately is the lot of a dancer - I have seen some very painful falls in Haylee's many years of dancing.

Happyjen said...

How gorgeous and grown up does Tasha look, I had to look twice ( then I read )

Sandra Allan said...

Tasha... OMG girl... you look so so grown up!!!!
You look gorgeous. xxxx