Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tis the happy season!

No not christmas! It's the happy birthday season!
This is our mega mad birthday period over the next 6 or so weeks. Lets see:
We started with Tracy's birthday yesterday (HB Trace!)
Then the 14th is my birthday. It is also Rachel's b'day - she was my partner in crime during school holidays as she lived next to my nana. And the 14th is also my best friend at high school Shell's b'day.
Then we have Annabelle's b'day
Then Mick's (hey I may be 5 days older than you but it is a recorded fact that women live longer!)
Then my friend Gail is on Dec 25
1st of Jan is the wonderful SJ. Wish I could be there to celebrate your public holiday birthday with you sweetie :(
January is the Lucas family month lets see:
Mark, Philip, Erin, Dominic, Tony, Gail.

I am sure I forgot someone - if its you I'm sorry.


Haylee said...

Phew! That is a lot of birthdays! This end of year period is always so busy, so how do you keep up with all those birthdays??