Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Day OFF!!!!

YAY I Have a day off - with NOTHING planned. There was talk at work yesterday of getting me to come in today but they decided to give me a day off. It is the first day I have had in ages with nothing planned (I mean there is always housework but I don't have to leave the house at all).

I might even get some scrapping done!!!! - but with all the ironing to be done and TV shows to catch up on maybe not ~L~

Got very excited on Sunday - my mum is getting better and better on her computer skills. with Mark over in Dubai she is getting used to emails - just the basic sending and recieving but on Sunday we had another lesson and she can now forward emails on!!!!!!!! Might not sound like much but for someone as totally computer illiterate as mum it was a big deal.

Oh and I do have pics to show you from Melbourne and latest scrapping attempts just have to get them out of the camera!


Haylee said...

Good to hear you got a day off. Hope you enjoyed it.

miss~nance said...

Did you have a relaxing day Cath?

Happyjen said...

Good on ya Mum,She will get better and better as she uses it more. I remember trying to teach Davina to use instant messenger and OMG was that hard I bet ur mum was easier than Davina was but at least Davina knows how to use the computer and internet now.