Yep that just about wraps up my weekend.
Lets see it started early with a day "off" on Friday. Ha ha ha. spent 2 hours in Optus organising new mobile phone. So I now have a new phone to play with. Its lots of fun. After lots of humming and hahhing and research I am now the proud owner of a gorgeous Nokia E71. Full internet capabilites, full diary/calendar that can be synced with my home puter. Lots of functions and bells and whistles.
Friday night Tracy and I went to see New Moon (yes it was my second time!) Who cares about Team Edward or Team Jacob I want them both! Although I have always have a leaning towards the buff guy on the motorbike........ Even Tony when I met him was a fitness fanatic (gym 6 nights a week, hockey, soccer, volleyball, skating, running etc, etc ) AND rode a motorbike.
Saturday was soooo hot. I am not sure what is going on here but I had had enough of these over 30 degree days. So when it hit 36 degrees I took Tasha and her friend Tegan out to Bay and Basin for a swim. Then we had planned to go out to dinner for a family meal but that didn't happen.
Sunday was another mad one. Tony and I went to church in the morning (Tasha was at a friends place and Kyle stayed home) then sunday afternoon was grocery shopping and sorting things out for dinner guests tomorrow night. Then some house work and then all of us went to church for the evening service.
Tony now in bed - he has to get up at about 3am (hehe not at work and STILL getting up at ridiculous times) to head off for his holiday. I have stacks more housework to do and am now working probably all week. Was looking forward to a few days to myself with the kids at school and Tony away but doesn't look like thats going to happen :( This week is a shocker for Tony to be away. There is something happening every night (most nights more than one thing) so hopefully we can make it through and out the other side.
On the diary this week: Work, Tasha final dance rehearsal, Girls Brigade dispaly night, Church AGM, Kyle youth group, more work, meeting for yr6 formal committee, meeting for NCS 30th birthday celebrations. I'm sure there is something I've forgotten. The highlight of the week will be actually catching with Jane face to face for after dinner treats and show and tell. Bring it on!